Film Event: Documentary “Beyond Beauty: TAIWAN FROM ABOVE”

Film Event: Documentary “Beyond Beauty: TAIWAN FROM ABOVE”

Date: Saturday, July 15th
Time:  1:30-4pm
Location: Chinese Cultural Center, 90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highland

Admission: Free

If you have yet to see the film “Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above”, which won the Best Documentary at the 2013 Golden Horse Awards, don’t miss this opportunity. If you have watched this film, you would appreciate this precious opportunity even more! “Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above was conducted by Director Po-Lin Chi, who used his heart, his loyalty, and his sincerity to document Taiwan’s beauty and sorrow. Back on December 10th 2014, the New England Association of Chinese Professionals (NEACP) hosted a viewing event of the movie. Chi was on site to share his journey of becoming an environmental protection advocate. Through his film, people were astonished about Taiwan’s hidden beauty but also the startling truth of environment destruction by mankind.

Since then, Director Chi continued spending years of effort filming the 2nd one, Beyond Beauty II. Chi wanted the viewers to give deep thoughts and take actions to protect the beloved Taiwan’s environment. Chi made selfless sacrifices in filming to promote his ideology of “seeing the world and imaging the future through Taiwan”. Regretfully, Chi died in a helicopter crash during filming on June 10th this year. In memory of Director Chi, NEACP along with Taiwanese associations in the greater Boston area would like to invite you to join us for watching the replay of “Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above”.

你如果沒有看過 “看見台灣”,不要錯過這個機會;你如果已經看過 “看見台灣”,更要珍惜這個機會。紐英崙中華專業人員協會曾經在 2014 年 12 月 10 日播放 “看見台灣”,齊柏林導演用他的眼、他的心,忠實和虔誠紀錄了台灣的美麗與哀愁。齊導演在現場和大家分享他關懷環保的心路歷程,大家除了對台灣美麗的驚豔之外,對環境被摧殘破壞更是觸目驚心。齊導演籌劃多年的 “看見台灣 2”,是為了 “立足台灣,放眼世界,想像未來”,給台灣的關門主義、鎖國政策,提供更多反省和思考。他無怨無悔的付出,千辛萬苦博命拍攝,他壯志未酬,求仁得仁。為了向齊柏林導演表達追悼和致敬,專協和波士頓地區僑團一起再 “看見台灣”。

Date 日期: Saturday July 15th

Time 時間: 1:30pm Check In 入場

2:00pm-2:10pm Tribute to Director Chi 向齊柏林致敬

2:10pm-3:43pm Film “Beyond Beauty” (93 minutes, the last 3

minutes include Director Chi showing his appreciation to his co-
workers and sponsors, please stay on with gratitude)

片長 93 分鐘,最後 3 分鐘是齊導向所有工作夥伴和贊助單位致

謝,請大家尊重齊導心願,以感恩的心情看完最後 3 分鐘)

3:43pm-4:03pm Behind the scenes: a precious 20-minute video

of Director Chi introducing the chapters 1. Take off 2. See, hear 3.

Pace forward 4. East and west movement 5. Music from the Jade mountain

特別播放 “幕後記實”,內容是 1. 起飛篇 2. 聽見看見 3. 邁步向前 4. 東西方樂 章 5.來自玉山的


Venue 地點: Chinese Cultural Center, 90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highland, MA

Admission: Free 電影欣賞免費

Language: Mandarin (English Subtitles)


“My heart, My eyes, Beyond Beauty: Po-Lin Chi’s 20 years of adhere and affectionate

towards aerial photography” $20/each

“我的心,我的眼,看見台灣 : 齊柏林空拍 20 年的堅持與深情”每本$20

“Island Sonata: Po-Lin Chi’s aerial photography collection” $30/each

“島嶼奏鳴曲:齊柏林空中攝影集” 每本$30

Organizer 主辦單位: New England Association of Chinese Professionals(紐英崙中華專業人員協會)

Co-Sponsors 協辦單位: Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston(波士頓僑教中


英格蘭玉山科技協會),Taiwan Chamber of Commerce of New England (新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會),


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